"How will those developers get paid for those services? We would like to have our ads in those applications"Now how about this one. Nielsen's report are pointing downward slide of online ads in august to september 2007. Now is this just a slight hint towards another tech recession. Now some suggest that it may just be a cyclical downturn.
Now I just can't help thinking (beacuse of Eric's statement) that one fine morning I will see some crappy ads on my facebook a/c, or for that matter my iGoogle or RSS feeds (though some is A-ok because I do understand the dynamics of business). Actually that's where open platform get on my nerves sometimes.
But where's the catch here. Firstly, all of us has seen many online ads (if you browse a bit) and its irrelevance to us most of the times. Though Google's Adsense has done some amount of work on that i.e. the relevance part. But still in social networking space, it won't suit my palate if I have been shown some crappy ads.
But I guess there is a way out of all these where the online advertisers and users (like me of course) can share a healthy cyberspace experience. Now 5 strategies for online advertisers can be like these-
1. Engage your users - Now how about this piece. If you see some ads reminding you to take bouquet of flowers from flowers.com (hypothetical) on your anniversary or your sweetheart's birthday (considering you forget trifle things like me). That would be kool (remember its social networking). Then I guess you can definitely score one point on that. So online advertisers should try to engage their target customers.
2. Relevancy - Segmenting users on their information likeness, online advertisers can give snippets of new information based on their likeness, though not forgetting their ad message through those information.
3. Compelling story telling through ads - Now everyone likes a compelling story. Isn't it? So if online advertisers can co-create a story (through ads of course), then users will definitely like to browse through it. CLICK CLICK!!!
4. Consistency - Now we have heard that word enough times I guess. Now more importantly, online advertisers have to be cautious about the consistency part of delivering their message.
5. Interactivity - Now what better way to communicate than making the ads more interactive. Online interactive ads make users are more prone to click. Isn't this what we are vying for?
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