Now some of the silly observations. Today in the afternoon while going through this logos, suddenly I realized that out of nearly 250+ famous brand logos here, approximately 110+ brands have the color red in some form or the other i.e. about 45%.
Now what does it convey about the companies which make this logos or for that matter the customers that in some way consume, use or receive the service (lemme know if I have covered all aspects of the product usage attribute).
Now some freebie takeaways from the brand logos above.
- Red, Blue or White are often used in logos (especially in US) to project patriotic feelings.
- Green is often used for products in the health segment foods.
- Silver or Light Blue to reflect the diet food aspect.
- More or less, all other brands showcases lower saturation and subdued tones primarily to communicate reliability,quality etc.
- Color is one of the important aspect of brand recognition in this cluttered mass media frenzied world.
- My high school physics says that color red has the highest wavelength. So what's the fuss all about.
So case closed and mystery solved :-).
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