Thursday, October 18, 2007

*Handvertising*- Yet another brick in the advertisment wall

Advertising has gone beyond television,print, internet or even those crazy ways how companies promote their products or service. Now how about this new innovative way. Do you remember the last time you entered a club and someone stamped your hands. So how about companies stamping their logos or promotional message on your hand. (As if I have been Apple'd or Microsoft'ied.)

Actually this new practice is being done. It's the brainchild of Handvertising, USA. Though it's patent is still pending, still ingenuity is overwhelming.


d.s.v said...

i think this is an extension of the ads that v used 2 find behind an auto or at the stepny of a scooter or a parking board(at apartments) sponsored by a company.

but i feel that it wont ve any big impact...

Eva Little said...

Hello maate great blog post

Thursday, October 18, 2007

*Handvertising*- Yet another brick in the advertisment wall

Advertising has gone beyond television,print, internet or even those crazy ways how companies promote their products or service. Now how about this new innovative way. Do you remember the last time you entered a club and someone stamped your hands. So how about companies stamping their logos or promotional message on your hand. (As if I have been Apple'd or Microsoft'ied.)

Actually this new practice is being done. It's the brainchild of Handvertising, USA. Though it's patent is still pending, still ingenuity is overwhelming.


d.s.v said...

i think this is an extension of the ads that v used 2 find behind an auto or at the stepny of a scooter or a parking board(at apartments) sponsored by a company.

but i feel that it wont ve any big impact...

Eva Little said...

Hello maate great blog post

Thursday, October 18, 2007

*Handvertising*- Yet another brick in the advertisment wall

Advertising has gone beyond television,print, internet or even those crazy ways how companies promote their products or service. Now how about this new innovative way. Do you remember the last time you entered a club and someone stamped your hands. So how about companies stamping their logos or promotional message on your hand. (As if I have been Apple'd or Microsoft'ied.)

Actually this new practice is being done. It's the brainchild of Handvertising, USA. Though it's patent is still pending, still ingenuity is overwhelming.


d.s.v said...

i think this is an extension of the ads that v used 2 find behind an auto or at the stepny of a scooter or a parking board(at apartments) sponsored by a company.

but i feel that it wont ve any big impact...

Eva Little said...

Hello maate great blog post